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The EU and Cyprus: Principles and Strategies of Full Integration

ISBN13: 9789004176195
Published: November 2009
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £151.00

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The European integration of Cyprus is the outcome of a process commenced over thirty years ago within the context of the EC external trade relations, culminating in Cyprus’ accession to the EU in 2004 and still ongoing within the framework of the EU external relations.

The key issue concerns the achievement of ‘full’ integration arguably through a mode of European integration re-formulating traditional parameters of economic, societal and political integration. Beyond the obvious academic interest arising out of a comprehensive comparative socio-legal study of the process of European integration of a state lying at the EU periphery and, as such, largely ignored in the literature, this book re-directs principles of differentiated European integration towards new means and meanings.

EU Law, Cyprus