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Vetting and Barring: A Practical Guide to the New CRB/ISA Scheme

ISBN13: 9780955266164
Published: February 2010
Publisher: Smoking Gun Books
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £15.00

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This is the first book about the controversial new Vetting and Barring Scheme. An accessible guide full of practical advice, it is a must for employers and the selfemployed, their advisers and those who traditionally carry out CRB checks.

Vetting and Barring looks at core provisions and key terms and, in particular, explains the roles and responsibilities falling on individuals and employers who work with children and vulnerable adults.

The content is supported by reference sections and other sources that make Vetting and Barring an indispensible guide for everyone working with children and vulnerable adults. Proposals by Sir Roger Singleton are clearly signposted so readers know both the current situation and how it will soon change.

Employers and Individual Responsibilities are dealt with in detail.

Employers Responsibilities:-

  • Understand legal implications of Vetting and Barring on their organisation
  • Register their organisation with the ISA
  • Check the ISA register before employing staff
  • Not employ someone who is barred
  • Ensure they know when an existing member of staff was last CRB checked
  • Register existing members of staff with the ISA and renew CRB checks at the correct time
  • Refer relevant information about an employee to the ISA
  • Take up references and complete pre-employment screening checks
Individual Responsibilities:-
  • Register with the ISA
  • Not to seek employment with vulnerable groups if already barred

Employment Law