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The Law of Consent to Medical Treatment 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781847038098
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421647604
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

This work provides comprehensive guidance through the complex area of medical consent. It covers everything from the general principles in tort that relate to consent to detailed analysis of procedural guidelines, case law on consent to specific medical procedures, and the new regime for assessing mental capacity.

  • Explains the basic concepts in consent law such as autonomy, battery, valid consent, capacity, voluntary consent and best interests
  • Covers in detail the relevant human rights issues
  • Discusses the impact of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 2007
  • Guides readers through the unique procedural aspects of consent law, including different application procedures for treatment of adults and children
  • Sets out the new procedural issues that will arise under the Court of Protection
  • Provides the latest case law and interpretation on common consent cases, such as male and female sterilisation, withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment and blood transfusions
  • Lays out the rights and obligations of parents in the treatment of a child
  • Explains the obligations of surgeons within the disciplinary framework
  • Features an extensive appendix giving easy access to guidelines, practice notes and extracts from legislation

Medical Law and Bioethics
General Principles.
The New Disciplinary Framework.
Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Children and Parents.
Incompetent Adults.
Specific Cases.
Criminal Consent.