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The Companies Act 2006 In Operation: A Commentary on the New Legal Regime

ISBN13: 9780415442466
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

This book provides a thorough exposition of the enormous new Companies Act 2006 with its 1300 sections and sixteen Schedules. It also explains the CA 2006 regime as a whole, including a number of the Regulations made under it and with reference to some Regulations still in draft form at the time of writing.

The author highlights and explains why various changes have now been made to the previous statutory law particularly by reference, as relevant, to: the work of the Law Commissions; the Company Law Review; the two Government White Papers of 2002 and 2005; the requirements of European Law; the Parliamentary debates in Hansard, ie when what was to become the Act was in Bill form as it underwent scrutiny in both the Commons and Lords; and the Government’s own statements and guidance on the new legislation, including its "Explanatory Notes" on various provisions of the Act.

The work is divided into the following six parts:

  • the background to the 2006 legislation
  • the objectives and overview of the legislative reforms
  • ensuring better regulation
  • establishing and running companies
  • legal proceedings
  • concluding observations.

Company Law
Part 1: The Background to the 2006 Legislation
1. A Brief History of the Road to the Legislative Reforms

Part 2: The Objectives and Overview of the Legislative Reforms
2. The Considerations Underpinning the CA 06
3. The European Dimension to the CA 2006

Part 3: Ensuring better Regulation
4. Company Constitutions
5. Members, Registers of Members, and Members Rights
6. Company Directors
7. Company Secretaries
8. Accounts and Reports
9. Auditors and Improving the Quality of Audit
10. Transparency Obligations
11. Takeovers
12. Company Communications and 'Improving Stakeholder Accessibility in the Electronic Age'
13. The Public/Private Company Split
14. Information about Interests in a Company's Shares
15. The Registrar of Companies
16. Political Donations and Expenditure
17. Companies Investigations
18. Actuaries
19. Northern Ireland
20. Foreign Disqualification
21. Concluding Observations on Ensuring better Regulation

Part 4: Establishing and Running Companies
22. Company Formation
23. Companies' Capacity
24. Resolutions and Meetings
25. Share Capital and Purchase of own Shares
26. Debentures
27. Distributions
28. Certification and Transfer of Securities
29. Charges
30. Annual Returns
31. Records and Service of Documents
32. Notification of Certain Appointments
33. UK Companies not Registered under the Companies Acts
35. Overseas Companies
36. Subsidiaries: Parent and Subsidiary Companies
37. Company and Business Names
38. Registered Office
39. Re-registration
40. Independent Valuation
41. Dissolution and Restoration to the Register
42. Constitutional Documents of RTE and RTM Companies

Part 5: Legal Proceedings
43. Arrangements and Reconstructions, Mergers and Divisions
44. Derivative Claims 45. Protection Against unfair Prejudice
46. Offences
47. Aspects of Courts and Legal Proceedings
48. Disclosure of Information under the Enterprise Act 2002
49. Payment of Expenses of Winding Up
50. Fraudulent Trading

Part 6: Concluding Observations
51. The CA 2006 as a Piece of Legislation