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On Equity

ISBN13: 9780455225081
Published: August 2009
Publisher: Thomson Reuters Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £176.00
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780455224275

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

On Equity is a thorough and commanding examination of the principles of equity. This seminal work provides the practitioner with a valuable exposition of equitable doctrines and remedies.

The author team elucidate the underlying principles of equity in a clear and readable manner, exposing the history and reasoning behind them. Concurrently, the text explores the practice of equity and the day-to-day business of the equity courts.

On Equity authoritatively explores the history of equity, equitable doctrines and equitable remedies in three parts:-

  • HISTORY AND OVERVIEW: Introduction, Fundamental Concepts, Maxims and Practical Applications of Equity
  • EQUITABLE DOCTRINES: Fraud, Trusts, Fiduciary Relationships, Property, Mortgages, Equitable Assignments, Contracts, Miscellaneous Equities, as well as the principles governing Probate and Administration of Estates
  • EQUITABLE REMEDIES: Discussion on Remedies, Equities and Procedure, Usual Remedies, Defences in Equity, Restitution, New Developments and the Future