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The New Companies Act 2006: A Practical Analysis

ISBN13: 9780199212026
Published: April 2007
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

February 2007: Abandoned before Publication
This new work provides practitioners with a detailed analysis of the impact of the Act. Aiming to assist practitioners with understanding why certain changes have been made, the authors refer to parliamentary debates, reports, academic discussion and existing case law. As such the aim of the work is to offer an invaluable reference for practitioners in the period after the Act has become law, but before there has been case law to establish how it should be interpreted.

The authors consider how the various changes that have been made are likely to be interpreted by the courts. By making reference to the position under the Companies Act 1985, these areas of change are highlighted and contrasted with the previous regime.

Offering more than the statutory guides which focus on the text of the Act, this work will offer practitioners and scholars opinion and detailed consideration of the largest change in company law for twenty years.

  • Provides an in-depth consideration of the effect that the Act will have on company law practice
  • Draws upon a number of secondary sources including parliamentary debates and law commission reports to explain the purpose of changes
  • Includes a comparative chart of the old regime and the new Act at the start of each chapter for quick and easy reference
  • Fills a gap for a work that fits between short guides to the text of the Act and encyclopaedic works
  • Written by members of Serle Court one of the leading sets for company law
  • Includes a copy of the Companies Act

The authors are all Barristers at Serle Court.

Company Law
1. Company formation and running , Philip Jones
2. Enfranchising indirect investors , Ruth Jordan and Jennifer Haywood
3. Publishing Company information/communication with shareholders , Tim Collingwood
4. Shareholding Disclosure (Transparency Directive) , Ruth Jordan and Jennifer Haywood
5. Directors , Victor Joffe QC
6. Meetings, resloutions and decision making , Thomas Braithwaite and Ruth Holtham
7. Derivative actions , Daniel Lightman
8. Capital maintenance provisions , Philip Marshall QC
9. Auditor liability and audit quality , Clare Hoffmann and David Blayney
10. Company takeovers (Takeovers Directive) , James Corbett QC
11. Overseas Companies , Geraldine Clark
12. Miscellaneous reforms , Thomas Braithwaite and Ruth Holtham;