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Lawyers and Vampires: Cultural Histories of Legal Professions

Edited by: David Sugarman, W.Wesley Pue

ISBN13: 9781841135199
ISBN: 1841135194
Published: July 2004
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £54.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781841133126

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This text addresses the cultural history of the legal profession. An international team of scholars canvasses wide-ranging issues concerning the culture of the legal profession and the wider cultural significance of lawyers, including consideration of the relation to cultural processes of state formation and colonization. The essays describe and analyse significant aspects of the cultural history of the legal profession in England, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Finland. The book seeks to understand the complex ways in which lawyers were imaginatively and institutionally constructed, and their larger cultural significance. It illustrates both the diversity and the potential of a cultural approach to lawyers in history.

Legal History, General Interest
Introduction and Overview
Part I The Formation of Lawyers
Part II Lawyers and the Liberal State
Part III Work and Representations
Part IV Lawyers and Colonialism Contributors: David Applebaum, Harold Dick, Ann Fidler, Jean-Louis Halperin, Kjell Modeer, Esa Konttinen. David Lemmings, Anne McGillivray, Rob McQueen, W. Wesley Pue, John Savage, Hannes Siegrist, David Sugarman.