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This unrivalled title provides the most reliable coverage of the legislative changes affecting magistrates' courts. It provides comprehensive coverage of all existing, new and amended legislation and hundreds of new cases that set precedents or clarify particular principles of law. The accompanying CD-ROM completes the service. An updating CD-ROM and supplement in October, included in the subscription, ensure you remain completely up to date.
Butterworths Stone's Justices' Manual is relied upon each year by thousands of professionals to provide the most reliable and current coverage of the legislative changes affecting magistrates' courts. Butterworths Supplement to Stone's Justices' Manual is included in the subscription price and is a valuable addition to the Stone's service, with recent cases and legislation included, as well as updated and new commentary on relevant changes to the law in the magistrates' courts.
Fully cross-referenced to the main work, the Supplement ensures your Butterworths Stone's Justice Manual 2018 is updated with the latest developments.
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