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ISBN13: 9789839908374
Published: April 2014
Publisher: Marsden Law Book
Country of Publication: Malaysia
Format: Paperback
Price: Price on Application

This book is unique in that its methodology, approach and style of presentation in which the relevant materials have been analyzed, organized and presented making it a convenient, clear, compact, concise and comprehensive source of reference.

This book will be a ready source of reference and consultation, not only for the law students but also for those involved in the teaching of criminal law and evidence. It is hoped that it will serve as a simple and useful guide for fresh practitioners. Busy judges and experienced practitioners will also find it extremely useful as it contains a rich source of reading materials and covers plethora of cases.

Evidence, Criminal Law, Other Jurisdictions , Malaysia
1. Good Governance
2. The Role of Agong As The Supreme Commander Of the Armed Forces.
3. Taming The Powers Of The Attorney General.
4. Tax Judgements Of Datuk Seri Hishamudin Yunus: The NV Alliance & Bandar Nusajaya Development Cases.
5. Constitutional Rights To Property
6. Free Speech
7. Going Against The (Religious) Grain
8. A Judge for Personal Liberty.
9. Native Rights
10. Rights to Education
11. Right to Equality
12. Judicial Power
13. Nature Justice
14. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation
15. Upholding The Rule of Law: Looking beyond Stare Decisis.