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Edited by: Ravinthran Paramaguru, Dato’, Jagjit Singh a/l Bant Singh, Pradeep Singh a/l Arjan Singh

ISBN13: 9789839908367
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Marsden Law Book
Country of Publication: Malaysia
Format: Paperback
Price: Price on Application

As the title of the book “Civil Trials Guidebook”, suggests, it is intended to serve as a quick reference guide to civil procedural matters. It is meant for legal and judicial officers, legal practitioners and law students. Others interested to know the workings of civil litigation may find it useful as it is written in simple language.

The civil procedural process has undergone significant changes recently. The Rules of High Court 1980 and the Subordinate Courts Rules 1980 have been replaced by the combined rules known as the Rules of Courts 2012. For example, under the new Order 34, Judges have a greater say in case management. Judges are now empowered to direct parties in suitable cases to attempt mediation before proceeding to a full trial. These and other changes are highlighted in this book.

This book comprises 42 chapters. It has addressed all the essential civil procedure topics and also some non-procedural topics such as defamation and personal injury claims. However the information contained in this book is not exhaustive. It is hoped that improvements will be made in future editions of this book. It must however be emphasized that the views expressed in this book do not necessarily reflect the official position.

Other Jurisdictions , Courts and Procedure, Malaysia
1. Civil Courts: Structure and Jurisdiction
2. Small Claims Procedure
3. Mediation
4. Modes of Civil Proceedings
5. Parties
6. Proceedings By and Against the Goverment
7. Limitations
8. Injunctions
9. Service
10. Appearance and Judgement in Default
11. Pleadings
12. Striking out Pleadings
13. Summary Judgment
14. Third Party and Interpleader
15. Offer to Settle
16. Amendment
17. Pre Trial Case Management
18. Discovery
19. Affidavits
20. Proceedings at Trial
21. General Law on Evidence in Civil Proceedings
22. Witness Statement
23. Expert Evidence
24. Motor Vehicle Personal Injury
25. Recovery of Debt
26. Adoption
27. Divorce
28. Maintenance
29. Landlord and Tenant
30. Defamation
31. Foreclosure Proceedings
32. Admiralty Proceedings
33. Assessment of Damages
34. Judgments, Order and Interest
35. Costs
36. Security for Costs
37. Execution Proceedings
38. Enforcement of Foreign Judgment
39. Stay of Execution
40. Bankruptcy
41. Winding Up
42. Judicial Review;