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Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: State Practice of China and Japan

Edited by: Dai Tamada, Keyuan Zou

ISBN13: 9789813369566
Published: April 2022
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Singapore
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2021)
Price: £119.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9789813369535

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

This book analyses he implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in the light of state practices of China and Japan. The special character of the book can be found in its structure of comparative analysis of the practices of China and Japan in each part. The focus is on historical aspects (Part I), implementation of the UNCLOS (Part II), navigation (Part III), mid-ocean archipelagos (Part IV), the marine environment (Part V), and dispute settlement (Part VI). By taking this approach, the book elucidates a variety of aspects of history, difficulties, problems, and controversies arising from the implementation of the UNCLOS by the two nations. Furthermore, contributors from China and Japan tend to show different perspectives on the UNCLOS, which, by clarifying the need for further debate, are expected to contribute to the continuing cooperation between the academics of the two states.

Public International Law, Other Jurisdictions , China, Japan
Table of Contents
About the Editors
Part I: Historical Aspects
Chapter 1. China and the Law of the Sea: Historical Aspects
Chapter 2. Japan and the Law of the Sea: Key Historical and Contemporary Milestones
Part II: Implementation
Chapter 3. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and China's Practice
Chapter 4. Japanese Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Part III: Navigation
Chapter 5. A Chinese Perspective on Innocent Passage of Warships: Contemporary Issues and Analysis
Chapter 6. Maritime Counter-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Freedom of Navigation: A Japanese Lawyer's Perspective - Hiroyuki Banzai
Part IV: Mid-Ocean Archipelagos
Chapter 7. Application of Straight Baselines to Mid-Ocean Archipelagos Belonging to Continental States: A Chinese Lawyer's Perspective
Chapter 8. A Critique against the Concept of Mid-Ocean Archipelagos
Part V: Marine Environment
Chapter 9. Chinese Law and Policy on Marine Environmental Protection
Chapter 10. Japanese Law and Policy on Marine Environment Protection: Recent Activation of Ministry of Environment
Part VI: Dispute Settlement
Chapter 11. China's Theory on and Practice in Maritime Dispute Resolution
Chapter 12. UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Japan's Experience and Contribution.