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Transforming the Hong Kong Legal Machine: Gender and Familial Law in Jurisprudence (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789811912726
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Singapore
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book examines the law in relation to how it has responded to sexual and gender issues in the context of Hong Kong, and addresses the implications of those responses for the global context. It aims to develop a localized theory of justice which enables the analysis of multiple socio-legal issues arising in Hong Kong, a predominantly Han-Chinese society in Greater China, while also offering formulations for corresponding solutions. Unlike other books on Hong Kong jurisprudence and socio-legal studies, this book not only compares and contrasts different theories of justice, but also attempts to generate a philosophical perspective which can synchronize and re-organize a range of theoretical components via the lens of localisation. The author investigates theories of justice developed, respectively, by Rawls, Deleuze, Lacan, Zizek and from the perspective of Mahayana Buddhism, as well as (Orthodox) Han-Chinese Daoism. The book applies these theoretical perspectives in analyzing different socio-legal issues in post-97 Hong Kong, including transgender rights to marriage, domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse and race. The book concludes by proposing singular possible strategies, which include degenderization, desexualization, de-ageing, by which justice(s) can hopefully be re-manufactured and challenged. This book is relevant to researchers and students of law, philosophy, sociology, gender studies and cultural studies.

Other Jurisdictions , Hong Kong, eBooks
Chapter 1: Beyond Colonialism: Osmotic Restruction of Gender / Sexual Justice in Hong Kong
Chapter 2: De / Sexing Fa / Law: Development of an Indigenous Legal Theory of Sexual Justice in Hong Kong
Chapter 3: Beyond Globalization and Localization: Articulating a Theory of Justice in Han-Chinese Culture
Part 2: Becoming Justice, Desiring Transformation
Chapter 4: Simularizing Vijnana and Desire, Repeating Yi / Justice: Transplanting Deleuzean Becoming into the Machine of Hong Kong Anti-Domestic Violence Law
Chapter 5: Desiring Justce, Acting Jnana: Transforming the Legal Transsexual Fantasy from the Perspectives of Zizekian and Mahayana Buddhist Theory
Chapter 6: De-aging Family Law: Re-engineering the Children-Adult / Parents Machine
Part 3. Desexualizing Law, De-aging Subjects
Chapter 7: Confession of Law? A Critical Perspective on the Production of the Child Subject in Hong Kong Law in Control of Child Sexual Abuse
Chapter 8: Deterritorializing Sexuality, Act(less)ing Justice: Zizekian / Deleuzean / Lao Zi's Perspectives on Hong Kong's Rape Law Reform
Part 4. Undesiring Control, Respecting Multiplicities
Chapter 9: Un/Controlling Desire, Becoming Others: Negotiating Justice in the Hong Kong Milieu of Mainland Pregnant Women Influx
Chapter 10. Un/Desiring Data: Deinformatizing Human Subjects:Decontrolling the Individual in the Age of Internet