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The Future of Financial Systems in the Digital Age: Perspectives from Europe and Japan

Edited by: Markus Heckel, Franz Waldenberger

ISBN13: 9789811678295
Published: March 2022
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Singapore
Format: Hardback
Price: £44.99
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9789811678325

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

The increasing capacity of digital networks and computing power, together with the resulting connectivity and availability of "big data", are impacting financial systems worldwide with rapidly advancing deep-learning algorithms and distributed ledger technologies. They transform the structure and performance of financial markets, the service proposition of financial products, the organization of payment systems, the business models of banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers, as well as the design of money supply regimes and central banking.

This book, The Future of Financial Systems in the Digital Age: Perspectives from Europe and Japan, brings together leading scholars, policymakers, and regulators from Japan and Europe, all with a profound and long professional background in the field of finance, to analyze the digital transformation of the financial system. The authors analyze the impact of digitalization on the financial system from different perspectives such as transaction costs and with regard to specific topics like the potential of digital and blockchain-based currency systems, the role of algorithmic trading, obstacles in the use of cashless payments, the challenges of regulatory oversight, and the transformation of banking business models. The collection of chapters offers insights from Japanese and European discourses, approaches, and experiences on a topic otherwise dominated by studies about developments in the USA and China.

Banking and Finance
Markus Heckel & Franz Waldenberger: Introduction
Nobuyuki Kinoshita: The Impact of the Digital Transformation on the Financial System
Kiyotaka Sasaki: Regulatory Oversight for a Digital Financial System - Challenges and Possible Responses
Hiromi Yamaoka: Digital Currencies
Ulrich Bindseil: CBDC Remuneration in a World with Negative Nominal Interest Rates
Philipp Sandner: Digital Programmable Euro - When will the Euro be Running on a Blockchain?
Takahide Kiuchi: Algorithmic Trading
Yuri Okina: Cashless Payment in Japan
Anna Omarini: The Future of Digital Banking - The Evolving Stages and a Forward Looking Perspective