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Competition Law and Policy in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Sector (eBook)

Edited by: Akira Negishi, Masako Wakui, Naoko Mariyama

ISBN13: 9789811678141
Published: March 2022
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Singapore
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £119.50
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This is the first book published that focuses on competition law and policy in the Japanese pharmaceutical sector. It consists of chapters written and edited by academics who research the industry from various perspectives, including economics, competition law, pharmaceutical regulations, and intellectual property law.

Competition policies involving pharmaceutical products attract attention from academics and policymakers worldwide. The pharmaceutical industry is regulated by drug laws that vary from country to country and are affected by differing practices and industrial structures. The book begins by examining drug regulations and trade practices in the industry that are peculiar to Japan and its healthcare system. It then presents the Japanese Antimonopoly Act and cases involving it, and discussions of current competition law issues in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry. The book also discusses innovation and intellectual property and economic analyses of pharmaceutical regulations and drug discovery. The chapters include comparative studies on Japanese regulations vs. those in the European Union and the United States. Japan is one of the biggest pharmaceutical markets in the world. With this in mind, the book provides "one-stop shopping" for anyone interested in pharmaceutical regulations in the country. Covering the basics but extending to in-depth explorations of complex problems, this book appeals not only to students and academics, pharmaceutical companies and regulators, but also to those dealing with real-world policy issues that encompass competition policy, intellectual property, and pharmaceutical regulation.

Other Jurisdictions , eBooks, Japan
I. Healthcare and pharmaceuticals: Innovation and regulation in Japan
Building a Sustainable Medical Care Delivery System and Competition Policy
Goro Sato
Drug Regulation in Japan
Yutaka Tejima
Collaboration between the Patent System and Pharmaceutical Regulations for Drug-Discovery Innovation in Japan Takeshi Maeda
Corruption and Conflict of Interest in the Pharmaceutical Market in Japan
Masako Wakui
II. The Japanese Antimonopoly Act and its relation to the pharmaceutical industry
Antimonopoly Act and Its Application to the Pharmaceutical Industry in Japan
Akira Negishi
Horizontal Cooperation and Alliances among Pharmaceutical Companies in the Japanese Antimonopoly Act
Shingo Seryo
Merger Regulations in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Japan
Kuninobu Takeda
Pay-For-Delay Agreements in Japan
Naoko Mariyama
Non-Challenge Clause in the Pharmaceutical Sector and the AMA
Thomas K. Cheng
Will Authorised Biologics Deter Biosimilars?: Utilising JFTC's Expertise in Drug Pricing
Takanori Abe
III. An economic Analysis of the pharmaceutical industry and trade practices in Japan
The Pharmaceutical Industry in Japan: A History of Its Development
Kenta Nakamura
Trade Practices in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Market: Modelling and Simulation of Improvement Policies
Konosuke Noto