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A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Legal Language and Culture

ISBN13: 9789811593468
Published: March 2021
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Singapore
Format: Hardback
Price: £119.99

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This book involves a variety of aspects and levels, including the diachronic and synchronic dimensions. Law profoundly affects our daily lives, but its language and culture can at times be nearly impossible to understand. As a comparative study of Chinese and Western legal language and legal culture, this book investigates the similarities and differences of both sides and identifies their respective advantages and disadvantages. Accordingly, it considers both social and cultural functions, and both theoretical and practical values.

Firstly, the book addresses the differences, that is, the basic frameworks and disparities between the Chinese and Western legal languages and legal cultures. Secondly, it explores relevant changes over time, that is, the historical evolution and the basic driving forces that were at work before the Chinese and Western legal languages and cultures “met.” Lastly, the book elaborates on their fusion, that is, the conflicts and changes in Chinese and Western legal languages and cultures in China in the modern era, as well as the introduction, transplantation and transformation of Western legal culture.

Comparative Law, Other Jurisdictions , China
Chapter 1. Legal Language
Chapter 2. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Terms
Chapter 3. A Syntactic Comparison of Chinese and Western Legal Language
Chapter 4. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Discourse
Chapter 5. Legal Culture
Chapter 6. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Values: Harmony and Justice
Chapter 7. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Ideas: Emulating Nature and Natural Law
Chapter 8. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Principles: Rule of Man and Rule of Law
Chapter 9. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Standard: Obligations and Rights
Chapter 10. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Property: Public Law and Private Law
Chapter 11. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Justice: Substantives and Procedures
Chapter 12. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Beliefs: Ethics and Religion
Chapter 13. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legislatures
Chapter 14. Comparison between Chinese and Western Judiciaries
Chapter 15. Comparison between Chinese and Western Law Enforcement Agencies
Chapter 16. Comparison between Chinese and Western Judge Cultures
Chapter 17. Comparison of Lawyers' Culture between China and Common Law Countries
Chapter 18. Comparison of Jury System between China and Common Law Countries
Chapter 19. Comparison between Chinese and Western Legal Education and Legal Profession