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Charting Environmental Law Futures in the Anthropocene

Edited by: Michelle Lim

ISBN13: 9789811390678
Published: September 2020
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Singapore
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2019)
Price: £139.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9789811390647

Despatched in 13 to 15 days.

This book explores a range of plausible futures for environmental law in the new era of the Earth’s history: the Anthropocene. The book discusses multiple contemporary and future challenges facing the planet and humanity. It examines the relationship between environmental law and the Anthropocene at governance scales from the global to the local. The breadth of issues and jurisdictions covered by the book, its forward-looking nature, and the unique generational perspective of the contributing authors means that this publication appeals to a wide audience from specialist academics and policy-makers to a broader lay readership.

Environmental Law
Securing Equitable and Sustainable Futures in the Anthropocene—What Role and Challenges for Environmental Law?
Lim, Michelle
Rights of Nature in the Anthropocene: Towards the Democratization of Environmental Law?
Berros, María Valeria
Moving Towards “Ecological Civilization” in the Anthropocene: The Future of Environmental Law in China
Zhou, Di
International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene: Addressing the Gaps Towards ‘Sustainable Development Law’
Andrade Correa, Fabiano (et al.)
Ecological Restoration as a Legal Duty in the Anthropocene
Cliquet, An
Governance for Protected Areas “Beyond the Boundary”—A Conceptual Framework for Biodiversity Conservation in the Anthropocene
Tanaka, Toshinori
The Ocean-Climate Nexus in the Unfolding Anthropocene: Addressing Environmental Challenges Through International Law and Cooperation
Minas, Stephen
Consequences of the Recognition of Forest Protection as a Common Concern of Humankind for the Anthropocene
Kovič Dine, Maša
International Water Law in Multi-scale Governance of Shared Waters in the Anthropocene: Towards Cooperation, not “Water Wars”
Kinna, Remy
Rising China and Antarctic Futures in the Anthropocene
Liu, Nengye
The International Environmental Court—A Necessary Institution for Sustainable Planetary Governance in the Anthropocene
SoIntsev, Alexander M.
Global Assessment and Review: The Importance of a Transparency Turn in International Environmental Law
Jafarzadeh, Nafiseh
Indigenous Rights and Universal Periodic Review: A Confluence of Human Rights and Environmental Issues
Liljeblad, Jonathan
Constitutionally Shackled: The Story of Environmental Jurisprudence in India
Chowdhury, Nupur
Liability for Environmental Harm as a Response to the Anthropocene
Phelps, Jacob (et al.)
On the Hypotactic Imperative for a Transition from the Anthropocene to the Sustainocene
Gussen, Benjamen Franklen
Municipal Solid Waste Management in India: Why Judicial Activism and Legislative Interventions Have Failed to Effectively Address This Issue?
Kaur, Maneka
Can South African Planning Law and Policy Promote Urban Sustainability in the Anthropocene?
Berg, Angela
Pathways to Equitable Sustainability in the Anthropocene: An Agenda for Legal Research
Lim, Michelle