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Paradise Lost: Mahathir & The End of Hope

ISBN13: 9789671998106
Published: September 2021
Publisher: Malaysiana LCMS
Country of Publication: Malaysia
Format: Paperback
Price: Price on Application

Paradise Lost takes a critical look at Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s role in Malaysia’s political evolution and his ultimately destructive legacy of corruption, racism and religious extremism. He inherited a nation pregnant with promise and left it mired in division, uncertainty, instability, a grand kleptopia and a terrible kakistocracy. It also examines the role Mahathir played in Pakatan Harapan’s stunning 2018 electoral victory and his subsequent betrayal of the coalition he was entrusted to lead. The end result is a nation in deep crisis, adrift in a sea of uncertainty, unable to come to terms with its past, unwilling to make the compromises necessary for its future.

This book makes for sober reading. Intensely provocative, it challenges long-established shibboleths, spotlights the dangers now confronting the nation and argues that Malaysia’s only hope for redemption lies in embracing and harnessing its unique multicultural identity.

Other Jurisdictions , Biography, Malaysia
1. The Colossus
2. The Reinvention of Mahathir Mohamad
3. Removing Najib
4. Stopping Anwar
5. The Enemy Within
6. Ketuanan Melayu or Ketuanan Rakyat
7. Restoring Malay Hegemony
8. The Chinese Problem
9. Bangsa Malaysia
10. The Unpatriotic Non-Malay
11. Reclaiming History
12. Mahathir’s Islamic State
13. The Divine Bureaucracy
14. Can a Holy Man Lie?
15. Disappointed by Hope
16. The Mandarins of Putrajaya
17. The Miseducation of the Malays
18. The Economics of Malay Hegemony
19. The Phoney War on Corruption
20. Whither the Malaysia Experiment?