A 2nd edition of Pirates in the Middle Kingdom: The Art of Trademark War this book provides for a comprehensive analysis of the Trademark Law in PRC. Not merely stating the relevant law, the author will also elaborate on how the law complies with international treaties such as TRIPS and the practicalities of registration, use and enforcement of trademarks in China. At the core, this will be a practical work.
The book will not be an annotated Trademark Law, nor will it be a “step-by-step” guide to trademark law. It will instead examine all aspects of the PRC trademark regime with the aim of explaining not only the law and the policy behind, but also its practical application. The purpose of the book is to provide the reader with a useful reference as to the procedures and pitfalls in China Trade Mark Law, from registration right up to enforcement.
Most IPR publications in the market are academic in nature. This book aims to demystify the strategies used to tackle trademark pirates, which has become a serious issue in both Hong Kong and China. Original case studies from the author’s clients will be included and hence exclusive material.
With China’s entry to WTO and recent introduction and implementation of IP laws, a detailed practitioner’s text on China Trade Mark can only be invaluable to the legal profession. Moreover, with China having successfully laid herself in the role of an Olympic host in 2008, trade mark issues/disputes in the form of ambush marketing are inevitable and to this end, the Beijing municipal government enacted certain Olympics legislation, which will also be covered in this publication.
International companies are keen to protect their trademarks and the value of their trademarks can never be underestimated. China’s entry to WTO will undoubtedly attract even more foreign investors.
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