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Myth or Lived Reality: On the (In)Effectiveness of Human Rights (eBook)

Edited by: Claire Boost, Andrea Broderick, Fons Coomans, Roland Moerland

ISBN13: 9789462654471
Published: May 2021
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherland
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book seeks to explore, from a multidisciplinary perspective, whether human rights are, in fact, a myth or a lived reality. Over the years much has been said about their effectiveness or, rather, their ineffectiveness.

This perceived ineffectiveness relates not only to institutional challenges at the international level, but also to national implementation mechanisms and processes. In addition, questions have arisen as to whether individuals or groups of individuals actually benefit from the normative guarantees contained in human rights law and whether human rights as legal constructs can be effectively translated into better outcomes.

This volume can be distinguished from the existing literature by virtue of the fact that it not only brings together scholars at different stages of their careers, but also that it incorporates contributions that adopt different methodological perspectives and cover a variety of topics.

The book should prove of great benefit to human rights researchers, human rights practitioners, NGOs and students.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, eBooks
Chapter 1. The (In)Effectiveness of Human Rights: Mapping Existing Research - An Introduction
Part I. The Effectiveness of International Law: Institutions and Processes
Chapter 2. Effectiveness of the ICESCR Complaint Mechanism - An Analysis and Discussion of the Spanish Housing Rights Cases
Chapter 3. Effective Distance: A Polish Dissident's Encounter with Amnesty International and its Western-born Rules
Part II. The Effectiveness of Human Rights Monitoring and Implementation at the Domestic Level
Chapter 4. Does the Right to Education Lead to Better Primary Education Outcomes?
Chapter 5. Paving the Way for Effective Socio-Economic Rights? The Domestic Enforcement of the European Social Charter System in Light of Recent Judicial Practice
Chapter 6. How Human Rights Cross-Pollinate and Take Root: Local Governments and Refugees in Turkey
Part III. Human Rights at the Individual Level: Individual Experiences and Key Actors
Chapter 7. Child Participation as the Holy Grail: Effective and Meaningful Participation in Judicial Proceedings? The Cases of the Immigration System and the Youth Care System in the Netherlands
Chapter 8. Human Rights Localisation and Individual Agency: From 'Hobby of the Few' to the Few Behind the Hobby
Annex: Toogdag 2019 Report