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Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism

Edited by: Christophe Paulussen, Martin Scheinin

ISBN13: 9789462653573
Published: January 2021
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £159.99

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In this book, it is explained that despite a current drop in the number of deaths, terrorism should still be considered a serious and widespread problem. However, the responses to this phenomenon are often more problematic from a long-term perspective. With the human rights framework under serious pressure, this edited volume offers a timely, important and critical in-depth analysis of human dignity and human security challenges in the lead-up, and in the responses, to current forms of terrorism. It aims to map how human dignity and human security can be secured and how law can constitute a source of trust at a time when Europe and the rest of the world continue to be plagued by terrorism.

The authors are both established names and upcoming talent in this fastchanging and exciting field of law. They thoroughly analyse a variety of topical subjects, in more conceptual chapters-for example calling for the humanisation of the security discourse-and in highly practical contributions, in which for instance the Kafkaesque situation in which rendition and torture victim Abu Zubaydah still finds himself today is considered.

This book, which focuses on, but is not limited to the situation in Western countries, aims to inspire not only academics-through further theorisation on the sometimes elusive but important concepts of human dignity and human security-but also practitioners working in the field of countering terrorism. It will hopefully convince them (even more) that following a human rights approach will be indispensable in securing human dignity and human security for all. Even-or in fact: especially-in times of terrorism.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Part I. Setting the (Conceptual) Scene
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Human Dignity, Human Security, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
Chapter 3. Restoring Trust in the Rule of Law
Part II. Actors, Operations and Measures
Chapter 4. Exporting Human Security in the Cause of Counter Terrorism
Chapter 5. Dignity Denied: A Case Study
Chapter 6. Human Security versus National Security in Anti-Terrorist Operations: Whose Security Does the Margin of Appreciation Serve?
Chapter 7. Remedying Violations of Human Dignity and Security: State Accountability for Counterterrorism Intelligence Cooperation
Chapter 8. Stripped of Citizenship, Stripped of Dignity? A Critical Exploration of Nationality Deprivation as a Counter-Terrorism Measure
Chapter 9. 'Killing Rats in the Street' for the Paramount Human Right of Security: The Law and Policy of China's People's War on Terror
Chapter 10. Framing Foreign Fighting: Exploring the Scope of Prevention and the Categorisation of Fighters in International Law
Part III. Criminal Justice Context
Chapter 11. Criminalising Foreign Fighter Travel in Order to Prevent Terrorism in Europe: An Illegitimate Assault on Human Dignity?
Chapter 12. Incitement to Terrorism: The Nexus Between Causality and Intent and the Question of Legitimacy-A Case Study of the European Union, Belgium and the United Kingdom
Chapter 13. Humiliation of Terrorism Victims: Is Human Dignity Becoming a 'National Security Tool'?
Chapter 14. The Normalisation of Secrecy in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands: Individuals, the Courts and the Counter-Terrorism Framework
