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Brussels Ibis Regulation: Changes and Challenges of the Renewed Procedural Scheme

Edited by: Vesna Lazic, Steven Stuij

ISBN13: 9789462651463
Published: December 2016
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £69.99

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

This book focuses on major amendments introduced in the Brussels I regulatory framework. Contributions scrutinize the changes introduced in the Brussels Ibis Regulation, a legal instrument that presents a core of the unification of private international law rules on the European Union level. Thereby they add to the development of EU private international law. In addition, authors' critical analysis may open further discussions on the topic to the benefit of a consistent and harmonized application of the Regulation. In this respect, the book will take a different approach than the commentaries which have so far been published.

It is primarily meant for legal academics in private international law and practitioners who are regularly engaged in cross-border civil proceedings. It may also have an added value for advanced students and those with a particular interest in the subject of international litigation and more generally in the area of dispute resolution.

Conflict of Laws, EU Law
The revised lis pendens rules in the Brussels Ibis Regulation
The party autonomy paradigm: European and global
Procedural Position of a 'Weaker Party' in the Regulation Brussels Ibis
The Enforcement of Monetary Final Judgments under the Brussels Ibis Regulation: A Critical Assessment
Provisional and protective measures in the European civil procedure of the Brussels I System
Brussels Ibis in Relation to Other Instruments on the Global Level.