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The Legacy of Bosman: Revisiting the Relationship Between EU Law and Sport

Edited by: Antoine Duval, Ben Van Rompuy

ISBN13: 9789462651197
Published: June 2016
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £139.99

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In December 1995, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its judgment in its most famous case to date: the Bosman Case.

Twenty years later, this book explores in detail how this landmark judgment legally and politically transformed the relationship between the European Union and sport. Written by leading academics in the field, the ten contributions in this book reflect on how Bosman fundamentally shaped the application of EU law to sport and its transformative effects on sports governance.

The book’s innovative perspectives on the Bosman ruling makes it important reading for scholars, practitioners and policy-makers concerned with EU law and Sports law.

Sports Law
He was not alone: Bosman in context.
Bosman: A Legacy Beyond Sports.
Nationality Based Playing Quotas and the International Transfer System post-Bosman.
The FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players: Transnational Law-Making in the Shadow of Bosman.
EU Competition Law and Organisational Rules.- EU control of State aid to professional sport: why now?.
The European Social Dialogue: A New Mode of Governance for European Football?.
Governing in the Shadow of Bosman: A Principal-Agent Perspective on Sports Governance and the EU.
The lex sportiva and EU law: the academic lawyer's path before and after Bosman.