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Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare

Edited by: Paul A.L. Ducheine, Michael N. Schmitt, Frans P.B. Osinga

ISBN13: 9789462650718
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £149.99

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This book offers a multidisciplinary treatment of targeting. It is intended for use by the military, government legal advisers and academics. The book is suitable for use in both military training and educational programs and in Bachelor and Master degree level courses on such topics as War Studies and Strategic Studies.

The book first explores the context of targeting, its evolution and the current targeting process and characteristics. An overview of the legal and ethical constraints on targeting as an operational process follows. It concludes by surveying contemporary issues in targeting such as the potential advent of autonomous weapon systems, ‘non-kinetic’ targeting, targeting in multinational military operations and leadership decapitation in counter-terrorism operations.

The deep practical experience and academic background of the contributors ensures comprehensive treatment of current targeting and use of force issues.

Public International Law
Targeting in Context.
From Douhet to Drones, Air Warfare and the Evolution of Targeting.
The Current Targeting Process.
Some Considerations Concerning the Role of the Ius ad Bellum in Targeting.
The Law of Targeting.
Ethical Issues in Targeting.
Rules of Engagement and Targeting.
Means and Methods of the Future: Autonomous Systems.
Non-kinetic Capabilities: Complementing the Kinetic Prevalence to Targeting.
Targeting in a Coalition Operations.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leadership Decapitation Tactics Against Terrorist Groups.