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Unjust Enrichment and Countervailing Obligations

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises 2nd ed isbn 9789462361683

Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises

Edited by: Jaap Spier

ISBN13: 9789462368088
New Edition ISBN: 9789462361683
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Climate change is the most important challenge humankind has ever faced. It is commonly accepted that GHG emissions must be reduced at great pace and to a significant extent to keep global warming below 2 (or, preferably, 1.5) degrees Celsius. This can only be reached if the obligations of major players-States, enterprises and investors-are sufficiently clear. The Oslo Principles aim to discern the legal obligations of States. The current Principles focus on the obligations of enterprises and investors. They identify the reduction obligations of enterprises, and articulate a series of related obligations. Investors can-and many already do-play an important role. These Principles aim to provide a legal basis for active investment management and engagement geared at stimulating enterprises to comply with their legal obligations. An extensive commentary further explains the Principles and their legal underpinning. The members of the expert group are Thomas Pogge, Brian Preston, Tianbao Qin, James Silk, Jaap Spier (reporter), Elisabeth Steiner, Philip Sutherland, and Dani l Witte.

Environmental Law