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Building Blocks for the Development of an International Framework for the Governance of Space Resource Activities: A Commentary

Edited by: Olavo O. Bittencourt Neto, Mahulena Hofmann, Tanja Masson-Zwaan, Dimitra Stefoudi

ISBN13: 9789462361218
Published: June 2020
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £38.00

The development of space resources activities is happening now. In the absence of a clear framework to govern these activities there is a need to formulate such a framework in line with existing treaty obligations, in order to enable, support and coordinate the use of space resources in a manner that is acceptable for all stakeholders. This book provides a unique and comprehensive coverage of the work of The Hague International Space Resources Governance Group, established in 2016 with the purpose of assessing the need and laying the groundwork for such a framework.

The Commentary contains the text, explanation, legal basis and alternatives discussed for each of the 20 Building Blocks that were adopted by the Working Group in 2019 and that could potentially form part of a future governance framework for space resource activities. The book is a useful reference tool for States, international organisations, industry, space agencies, scientists, academics and students in space law and policy interested in this new era of use and exploration of outer space.

Air and Space Law
1. Mission
2. Composition and Functioning of the Working Group
3. Face-to-Face Meetings
4. Commentary
Building Blocks
1. Objective
2. Definition of Key Terms
3. Scope
4. Principles
5. International Responsibility for Space Resource Activities
6. Jurisdiction and Control over Space-Made Products Used in Space Resource Activities
7. Priority Rights
8. Resource Rights
9. Due Regard for Corresponding Interests of all Countries and Humankind
10. Avoidance and Mitigation of Potentially Harmful Impacts Resulting from Space Resource Activities
11. Technical Standards for, Prior Review of, and Safety Zones Around Space Resource Activities
12. Monitoring and Redressing Harmful Impacts Resulting from Space Resource Activities
13. Sharing of Benefits Arising out of the Utilization of Space Resources
14. Registration and Sharing of Information
15. Provision of Assistance in Case of Distress
16. Liability in Case of Damage Resulting from Space Resource Activities
17. Visits Relating to Space Resource Activities
18. Institutional Arrangements
19. Settlement of Disputes
20. Monitoring and Review
Appendix I Consortium Partners, Members & Observers of the Working Group
Appendix II Report of the Technical Panel
Appendix III Report of the Socio-Economic Panel