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Globalization Versus Regionalization: 4th Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference

Edited by: Ingeborg Schwenzer, Lisa Spagnolo

ISBN13: 9789462360662
Published: July 2013
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £51.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

This book contains the updated papers of the 4th Annual MAA Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference, which was held on 18 March 2012 in Hong Kong. The contributions cover an overview of the current issues facing the global trade law community such as the expected accession of Brazil to the CISG, the issues facing the CISG with a view to the introduction of the Common European Sales Law (CESL) in the European Union and the effects of reservations made by signatories to the CISG and potential withdrawals of such reservations by such countries. The book is a valuable resource for both academics and professionals working in the field of commercial law, trade law and investment disputes.

International Trade
1. Reservations of the CISG: Regional Trends and Developments
2. The Perversity of Contract Law Regionalization in a Globalizing World
3. CISG in Time of Crisis: An Opportunity for Increased Efficiency
4. The Avoidance of Contract Under the CISG: Some Comparative Remarks from a Chinese Perspective
5. Globalizing International Trade, Investment and Commercial Laws Through Regionalism: The Prospects
6. Brazil's Adhesion to the CISG - Consequences for Trade in China and Latin-America
7. CESL and CISG