Labour Relations in Aviation is a pragmatic and exhaustively researched trailblazing book elucidating the topical legal issues relating to the employment of civil aviation personnel. In a progressively competitive air transport environment, with an eye to sustaining and perhaps reinforcing their market presence, airlines are compelled to adapt their business models, including employment conditions. The airline market is cyclical, and each traffic recovery entails multiple social developments; the proximity of air laws and social regulations is increasing.
Delving deep into the latest publications, doctrinal opinions, legal bases, and case law, the author and several distinguished contributors shed light on the following issues and topics:
The author also traces the process of liberalisation of the EU air transport market and its repercussions on the operational structures of airlines and on the working conditions of crew members.
This book will furnish clear and concise guidance to lawyers, officials, business people, policymakers and academics with a professional interest in aviation law that will aid them in understanding and addressing social and legal issues in the dynamic world of aviation.