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Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403539805
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the structure, competence, and management of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) provides substantial and readily accessible information for lawyers, academics, and policymakers likely to have dealings with its activities and data. No other book gives such a clear, uncomplicated description of the organization’s role, its rules and how they are applied, its place in the framework of international law, or its relations with other organizations.

The monograph proceeds logically from the organization’s genesis and historical development to the structure of its membership, its various organs and their mandates, its role in intergovernmental cooperation, and its interaction with decisions taken at the national level. Its competence, its financial management, and the nature and applicability of its data and publications are fully described.

Systematic in presentation, this valuable time-saving resource offers the quickest, easiest way to acquire a sound understanding of the workings of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for all interested parties. Students and teachers of international law will find it especially valuable as an essential component of the rapidly growing and changing global legal milieu.

List of Abbreviations
Part I. History and Evolution
Chapter 1. The ASEAN Charter: An Overview
Chapter 2. The Institutional Framework
Chapter 3. The Institutional Architecture of ASEAN
Part III. Activities
Chapter 1. Settlement of Disputes
Chapter 2. Human Rights
Chapter 3. Terrorism
Chapter 4. Environment
Part IV. ASEAN External Relations
Chapter 1. Introduction: The So-Called ‘External Parties’
Chapter 2. The Conclusion of ASEAN International Agreements
Chapter 3. ASEAN: United Nations Relations
Chapter 4. ASEAN: Pacific Alliance Relations
Chapter 5. The South China Sea Dispute
Part V. ASEAN Economic Community
Chapter 1. Introduction: The Position of the AEC in the Structure of the ASEAN Charter – The AEC Council
Chapter 2. From Free Trade among Member States to the AEC
Chapter 3. The Establishment of the AEC and the Economic Community Blueprint 2025
Chapter 4. FTAs Between the Member States of ASEAN and Third States
Part VI. Appraisal
Part VII. Addresses and Networks
Appendix 1. Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Appendix 2. ASEAN Human Rights Declaration
Appendix 3. ASEAN Community Vision 2025

Selected Bibliography