Arbitrating under the 2020 LCIA Rules brings a diverse and complementary outlook on the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA). LCIA is the oldest of all major arbitral institutions that provides comprehensive international dispute resolution services. LCIA has embodied the ideals that underlie the arbitral alternative and set its face against undue delay, soaring cost, complexity, and acrimony. LCIA administers cases arising under any system of law in any venue worldwide. Underscoring the institution’s international nature, the LCIA Rules are available in nine languages, and over 80% of parties in pending LCIA cases today are not of English nationality. This highly practical and user-friendly guide provides in-depth explanation and thorough analysis of the 2020 LCIA Rules that continue to promote the internationalization of the LCIA.
What’s in this book:
The new and revised rules affecting LCIA practice and procedure are described in detail in twenty-six chapters of the book, including the following:
The book examines the fundamental changes introduced by the 2020 rules and the key reasons for choosing an LCIA arbitration through various stages of drafting an LCIA arbitration agreement.
How this will help you:
Providing references to essential national court judgments, statutory provisions, up-to-date statistics, and bibliographical sources on LCIA, this book is invaluable to business executives and corporate counsel and scholars of alternative dispute resolution. This book provides a unique and in-depth insight into this important area with the diverse and complementary outlook on LCIA arbitration, combined with academic and practical perspectives, common law and civil law training and practice.