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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers in Peru 4th ed isbn 9789403537672

Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers in Peru 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9789403533537
New Edition ISBN: 9789403537672
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789403511627
Published: April 2021
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Legal Education
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Derived from Kluwer’s multi-volume Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers, the largest and most detailed database of M&A know-how available anywhere in the world, this work by highly experienced partners in the leading international law firm Estudio Olaechea provides a concise, practical analysis of current law and practice relating to mergers and acquisitions of public and private companies in Peru. The book offers a clear explanation of each step in the acquisition process from the perspectives of both the purchaser and the seller. Key areas covered include: structuring the transaction; due diligence; contractual protection; consideration; and the impact of applicable company, competition, tax, intellectual property, environmental and data protection law on the acquisition process.

Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers is an invaluable guide for both legal practitioners and business executives seeking a comprehensive yet practical analysis of mergers and acquisitions in Peru.

Other Jurisdictions , Latin America
. Local Economic, Political and Cultural Aspects
2. The Regulatory Framework
3. Laws Affecting Mergers and Acquisitions
4. Relevant Regulatory Authorities
5. Controls/Restrictions on Foreign Investment
6. Incentives for Foreign Investment
7. Specific Issues of Company/Securities Law Mergers
8. Other Relevant Laws and Due Diligence Issues
9. The Due Diligence Process
10. The Role of the Courts
11. Merger Controls: Anti-trust/Competition Issues
12. Taxation Aspects
13. Liability to Tax
14. Tax Consolidation Group Relief of Gains and Losses
15. Tax Considerations Arising on M&A Transactions
16. Structuring the Investment: Withholding Taxes
17. Employment Considerations
18. Labour Costs and Working Conditions
19. Pensions
20. Retention of Key Management and Employees
21. Treatment of Foreign Employees
22. Accounting Treatment