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Regulatory Challenges of AI Governance in the Era of ChatGPT

ISBN13: 9789403533476
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £117.00

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Through 11 meticulously researched chapters, this book examines AI’s historical development, industry applications, socio-ethical concerns, and legal challenges. Advocating for a human-centric, risk-based regulatory approach, emphasising transparency, public participation, and ongoing monitoring, the book covers the following aspects of AI and its governance:

  • a comprehensive overview of the history and mechanics of AI;
  • widespread public misconceptions surrounding ChatGPT;
  • ethical considerations (e.g., misinformation, accountability, and transparency);
  • societal implications (e.g., job displacement, critical thinking, and malicious use);
  • privacy concerns;
  • intellectual property challenges;
  • healthcare application dilemmas;
  • interplay between LLMs and finance, and
  • cross-border regulatory challenges.

Throughout, the author identifies significant gaps in existing legal frameworks and explores potential policy directions to bridge these gaps.

The book offers invaluable insights and recommendations for policymakers, legal experts, academics, students, technologists, and anyone interested in AI governance. It underscores the need for a collaborative effort and meaningful dialogue among industry leaders, academia, and civil society globally to promote responsible and ethical development and use of AI for the benefit of humanity.

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
About the Author
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. AI Governance in the ChatGPT Era
2. Misconceptions about LLMs like ChatGPT
3. Transformative Impacts of LLMs like ChatGPT
4. Societal and Ethical Implications of ChatGPT
5. Data Privacy Challenges in LLMs like ChatGPT
6. LLMs like ChatGPT and IP
7. ChatGPT and Healthcare Systems
8. LLMs like ChatGPT and Financial Sector
9. Legal and Regulatory Challenges in AI Governance
10. Cross-Border Regulatory Challenges in AI Governance
11. Future Policy Directions for AI Governance
Table of Cases