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Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business Volume 42

Edited by: Christian Campbell

ISBN13: 9789403528731
Published: October 2020
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £130.00

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The 42nd issue of the Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business addresses a diverse range of topical issues of national and international consequence. Ranging from an analysis of the pari passu principle and its operation in corporate insolvency in the UK, to international trends regarding mediation and its future development under the new Singapore Convention, the findings presented in the 10 chapters of this edition will interest both those involved in and those studying the legal regime for cross-border business activities.

Authors from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, and the United States of America examine a panoply of matters, e.g. relating to anti-corruption measures, arbitration, company law, competition law, financial law and mediation. The comparative analysis serves to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of approaches adopted, in particular jurisdictions by juxtaposing them with their equivalents in others in North America, Europe and beyond.

Commercial Law, Company Law
Dispute Resolution
Current Status of Arbitration Involving Russian Companies in Russia and Abroad after the Russian Arbitration Reform
The Singapore Convention for Mediation: From Promotion to Workable Standards by Way of New York
Corporate & Competition
Competition Law Regime in Taiwan
The New EU Directive on Conversions, Mergers and Cross-Border Divisions
Regulations Concerning Advertising in Poland
Reform of Italian Insolvency Proceedings in Light of International Standards and European Law
An Analysis of the Pari Passu Principle in Corporate Insolvency in the United Kingdom
Some Considerations on Internal Investigations in Argentina
Exchange Control: Only for Developing Countries?
Recent Developments in the Implementation of 5G Technology and Its Benefits
Which European Regulation for Security Tokens?
