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Labour Law in the Mirror: Categories, Values, Interlocutors

Edited by: Adalberto Perulli, Tiziano Treu

ISBN13: 9789403527987
Published: January 2025
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £104.00

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Labour Law in the Mirror is an exhaustive legal appraisal of the crisis of the foundational categories of labour law focusing not only on the stresses coming from the seismic changes in economic and social reality but also on labour law participation in major changes in the national, international, and global spheres. The norms and categories of labour law are exposed more directly than other legal sectors to the increasing complexity of the digital society and the impact of technologies on forms of employment.

What’s in this book:

Considering these changes, both those that have taken place and those that are in progress, the contributors – a gathering of eminent and experienced labour law scholars and practitioners – present critical analyses of the following aspects:

  • labour law as a synthesis of antagonistic values
  • decentralisation of industrial relations systems
  • states’ function as regulators of social processes
  • attribution to private operators of missions previously ensured by the state
  • corporate sustainability due diligence
  • relationship between antitrust law and labour law
  • priority of the moral commands of reason over selfish interests
  • education and vocational training to facilitate the transition to green high-tech jobs, and
  • protection of human and environmental rights in global value chains

How this will help you:

For an analytic clarification of the conceptual pairs inherent in labour law – individual and collective, public and private, autonomy and subordination, local and global, national and European – and its close attention to the repercussions of values and philosophical approaches for labour law policies, this book will be highly appreciated by corporate lawyers, judges, human rights experts, trade unionists, academic researchers, business persons, and all others interested in protecting the role of labour law as a fundamental arbiter of social justice in a globalised world.

Employment Law
Towards a Green Labour Law
Adalberto Perulli

PART I. Environmental Humanities, Labour Law and Economy: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue
CHAPTER 1. The Impact of the Green Transition on Employment, Labour Law and Industrial Relations
Tiziano Treu
CHAPTER 2. Just Ecological Transition and Inequalities
Marzia Barbera
CHAPTER 3. The Fight Against Climate Change: Implications for Labour Law and Industrial Relations
Manfred Weiss

PART II. Labour Market Facing with Climate Change: Critical Issues and Perspectives
CHAPTER 4. Policy and Regulatory Implications of Current Debates on Labour Market and Climate Change: Southern Perspective
Pablo Arellano Ortiz
CHAPTER 5. The Green Transition and New Skills in Occupation
Giuseppe Casale
CHAPTER 6. The Labor Instruments of Internal Flexibility at the Service of the Just Ecological Transition in the Context of the Next Generation EU
Margarita Miñarro Yanini
CHAPTER 7. Challenges When Combining Labour and Environmental Objectives: Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters and Beyond
Tonia Novitz
CHAPTER 8. The Role of Public Administration in Italy’s Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
Elena Buoso

PART III. Climate Change and Its Implications on Labour Contract and Industrial Relations System
CHAPTER 9. Climate Change, Sustainability, Organisational Changes and Workers’ Professionality
Elena Gramano
CHAPTER 10. Climate Change and Labour Law: Redefining the Collective Interest
Frank Hendrickx
CHAPTER 11. ‘Seeking Coherence: Climate, Capability, and a Human-Centred Approach’
Brian Langille
CHAPTER 12. Energy Poverty, Fair Transition and Labour Law
Pr. Sophie Robin-Olivier