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The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution and Future

ISBN13: 9789403526607
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £173.00

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The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution and Future is the first consolidated analysis of how the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) has informed the interpretation, application and development of international investment law and the resolution of investor-State disputes. Over the past several decades, the VCLT – the ‘treaty on treaties’ – has achieved a rich and nuanced track record of influence in international investment law, including in the context of investment treaty arbitration. This book demonstrates how approaches to key issues of treaty law in investment treaty arbitration diverge or converge from the VCLT and approaches of other international courts, as well as the lessons that investment treaty arbitration could derive from – or even offer for – the interpretation and application of the VCLT rules in other settings.

The editors have curated diverse and thought-provoking contributions from around the world to offer a variety of perspectives on the nexus between the VCLT, international investment law and investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS). By revisiting the role that the VCLT has played in the development of this field of law, this invaluable book unlocks insights into how the VCLT might be used to support international investment law into the future, including its development, reform and use for the resolution of the next generation of investor-State disputes. The insights and analyses contained in the book’s twenty-one chapters consider aspects such as the role of the VCLT for:

  • interpretation of more specific approaches to treaty law drafted by treaty negotiators;
  • treaty application in circumstances of contested State territory or succession challenges;
  • temporal challenges arising in treaty interpretation;
  • the status of bilateral investment treaties between European Union Member States and related termination endeavours;
  • questions concerning the validity, termination and amendment of investment treaties, including as part of ongoing ISDS reform processes;
  • current multilateral reform proposals, including the possibility of an appellate mechanism or a multilateral investment court;
  • grappling with the challenge of fragmentation in international investment law, including the role of prior decisions in treaty interpretation, the challenges introduced by treaty conflict and the multitude of approaches that may be taken by national courts when implementing treaties like the New York Convention; and
  • treaty interpretation and drafting as aided by emerging technologies, such as data analytics, machine learning, smart contracts and blockchain.

The book’s appendix provides a highly valuable tabular summary of ISDS arbitral practice relating to the VCLT, collating key references from over 350 different procedural orders, decisions and awards.

International Investment Law, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
List of Abbreviations
1. An Introduction to the VCLT and Its Role in ISDS: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Esmé Shirlow & Kiran Nasir Gore
Part I: The VCLT and the Interpretation of Treaties
2. The Interpretation of Treaties and Investment Arbitration: Introductory Reflections, Martins Paparinskis
3. VCLT Article 33: Interpretation of Treaties Authenticated in Two or More Languages. Barton Legum & Anna Crevon-Tarassova
4. The ICSID Convention and the VCLT: Interpreting the Term ‘Investment’, Roberto Castro de Figueiredo
5. Signs of a Subjective Approach to Treaty Interpretation in Investment Arbitration: A Justified Divergence from the VCLT?, Julian Wyatt
6. Competing Theories of Treaty Interpretation and the Divided Application by Investor-State Tribunals of Articles 31 and 32 of the VCLT, Charles N. Brower, Devin Bray & Pem Chhoden Tshering
7. Article 32 of the VCLT and Precedent in Investor-State Arbitration: A Sliding Scale Approach to Interpretation, Esmé Shirlow & Michael Waibel
8. The VCLT Rules on Interpretation and the Triangular Nature of Investment Treaties: State Control Versus Investor Rights, Elizabeth Sheargold
Part II: The VCLT and the Creation and Application of Treaties
9. The VCLT and the Creation and Application of Treaties: Introductory Reflections, Kiran Nasir Gore & Esmé Shirlow
10. The Entry into Force of International Investment Agreements: More Than Meets the Eye?, Alvin Yap & Christopher Bloch
11. Territorial Application of Treaties: State Succession and Contested Territories from an International Arbitration Perspective, Wesley Pydiamah, Julien Fouret, Athina Fouchard Papaefstratiou & Dimitrios Papageorgiou
12. Legal Questions Concerning the Temporal Application of Treaties in International Investment Arbitration Cases, Agnes Rydberg & Malgosia Fitzmaurice
Part III: The VCLT and the Validity, Termination, and Amendment of Treaties
13. The VCLT and the Validity, Termination, and Amendment of Treaties in Light of Ongoing ISDS Reform: Introductory Remarks, Esmé Shirlow & Kiran Nasir Gore
14. Termination, Amendment, Modernization and Reform of Investment Treaties: Which Way Forward?, Dilini L. Pathirana & James T. Gathii
15. Living on a Prayer: Termination of Intra-EU BITs and the Law of Treaties, Frédéric G. Sourgens
16. Multilateralising Interpretation: Fitting the Rules of the VCLT into the Multilateral Investment Court (or Vice Versa), Aikaterini Florou
17. An Appellate Mechanism for ICSID Awards and Modification of the ICSID Convention under Article 41 of the VCLT, Michele Potestà
Part IV: Concluding Remarks on Emerging Challenges for the VCLT and Investor-State Disputes
18. The VCLT as a Cure for the New York Convention’s Bottlenecks: Interpretive Tools as the Ultimate Medicine for the Next Sixty Years?, Marike Paulsson & Supritha Suresh
19. Treaty Conflict in International Investment Law, Shani Friedman
20. The VCLT as a Unifying Force in Treaty Design: How Special Is Investment Law?, Ashwita Ambast & Dirk Pulkowski
21. The VCLT, Future Fragmentations, and Opportunities for Innovation: Concluding Remarks, Kiran Nasir Gore & Esmé Shirlow
Appendix: Applications of the VCLT in Investor-State Arbitration with Accompanying Table Recording References to the VCLT in Over 350 Different Procedural Orders, Decisions and Awards of Investor-State Arbitral Tribunals, Esmé Shirlow
Table of Cases
Table of Conventions, Treaties, and Legislative Instruments