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Corporate Social Responsibility - Sustainable Business: Environmental, Social and Governance Frameworks for the 21st Century (eBook)

Edited by: Rae Lindsay, Roger Martella

ISBN13: 9789403522302
Published: June 2020
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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International Bar Association Series 27
Corporate Social Responsibility – Sustainable Business: Environmental, Social and Governance Frameworks for the 21st Century explores the evolving field of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In a dramatic departure from its voluntary origins, CSR is rapidly shifting to hold multinational companies accountable for more than traditional shareholder performance. This CSR movement is embracing new environmental, social and governance (ESG) frameworks that promote global sustainability goals and enhance accountability for negative impacts businesses can have on ‘planet and people’. It also focuses on the positive role corporations play in supporting the international community’s efforts to achieve the UN Sustainability Goals by 2030. The collection of chapters by leading businesspeople, international civil servants, legal practitioners, academics and other experts offers a forward-looking and pragmatic perspective that illuminates the major themes in this movement towards increasingly sustainable, transparent and accountable business practices.

What’s in this book:

This book shows how CSR has evolved to account for societal pressures, environmental, climate change and human rights impacts, international policy imperatives and the practical challenges of regulating commercial activity that transcends borders. The chapters offer an in-depth examination of current issues, including:

  • international frameworks and multistakeholder initiatives catalysing foundational change
  • the shifting emphasis on corporate imperatives to avoid harm to third parties
  • trends in CSR, focused on assuring the planet’s future sustainability and social stability
  • regulatory initiatives around the globe, including Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, and
  • extended accountability for activities of corporate group members and supply chains

How this will help you:

As the pressure and business case for companies to incorporate CSR into corporate governance is intensifying with each quarter, this book is intended as a reference tool for global business executives, in-house legal counsel, private practitioners and government officials seeking to discern the emerging legal parameters around these issues. This volume is an invaluable and pragmatic addition to the practitioners’ toolbox at this important juncture in an ever-more dynamic field designed to discuss each topic independently and to present a holistic survey of the scope of CSR issues, trends and impacts.

PART I: Corporate Social Responsibility: Key Themes
CHAPTER 1. Corporate Governance and Responsibility as Drivers of Sustainability
A. Jan A.J. Eijsbouts
CHAPTER 2. The Business Case for CSR, ESG and Responsible Business
Peter Herbel & Elodie Herbel
CHAPTER 3. Business Ethics
Rosamund Thomas
CHAPTER 4. Understanding and Addressing Criticisms of the Corporate Social Responsibility Movement
Michael Hopkins
CHAPTER 5. CSR Is Dead: What Should Come Next?
Roel Nieuwenkamp
CHAPTER 6. Corporate Governance and Sustainability
Alan S. Gutterman
CHAPTER 7. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
Margaret Peloso & Travis Hunt
CHAPTER 8. Corporate Social Responsibility and International Law: Where Are We Now, and Where Are We Headed?
Jennifer A. Zerk
PART II: Sectoral and Cross-Sectoral Approaches to CSR
CHAPTER 9. Supply Chain Management
Ken Rivlin & Felise Cooper
CHAPTER 10. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Oil and Gas Sector
Elizabeth Wild
CHAPTER 11. Evolution of CSR in Mining: Key Challenges and Trends
Hannah Clayton
CHAPTER 12. The Intersection of CSR and Economic Sectors—Manufacturing
Ann E. Condon & Michelle Mendlewicz
CHAPTER 13. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Financial Sector
Motoko Aizawa
PART III: Worldwide Frameworks and Initiatives on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Some Key Global Frameworks
CHAPTER 14. The Global Compact
Hans Corell
CHAPTER 15. The OECD Agreement on Corporate Responsibility and Its Future
Roel Nieuwenkamp
CHAPTER 16. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Bold Effort to Achieve Transformative Global Change in an Ever-Evolving World
Stacey Sublett Halliday & Dacia T. Meng
PART B: Environment and Climate Change
CHAPTER 17. Environmental Frameworks and Corporate Social Responsibility
J. Brett Grosko & Jennifer Wills
CHAPTER 18. Corporate Social Responsibility and Climate Change
Michael Burger & Jessica Wentz
PART C: Human Rights and Labour Issues
CHAPTER 19. The International Human Rights Framework and the Role of Business: The Journey from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Lene Wendland
CHAPTER 20. Beyond CSR: The Story of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
John F. Sherman III
CHAPTER 21. The Regulation of Multinational Labour and Employment Practices Through a Galaxy of Norms
Elise Groulx Diggs & Brian Burkett & Mitt Regan
CHAPTER 22. Multi-stakeholder Initiatives in the Business and Human Rights Arena
Martijn Scheltema
PART IV: Legal Dimensions and the Role of the Lawyer
CHAPTER 23. Corporate Responsibility and National and International Legal Frameworks
Suzanne Spears
CHAPTER 24. Accountability: Legal Risks and Remedies
Sara L. Seck & Akinwumi Ogunranti
CHAPTER 25. CSR Risk Management and Due Diligence
Jonathan Drimmer & Michael Torrance
CHAPTER 26. The Role of International Arbitration in the New Lex Mercatoria for Business and Human Rights
Claes Cronstedt & Robert C. Thompson
CHAPTER 27. Ethical Considerations: Corporate Social Responsibility and the 21st Century Lawyer
Irma S. Russell & Joan MacLeod Heminway
PART V: Some Regional Perspectives
CHAPTER 28. A Case Study of CSR in North America—Business Engagement on Climate Change
Rosalie Winn & Peter Zalzal
CHAPTER 29. Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia, with Particular Reference to South East Asia: Untapped Potential, New Approaches, and the Imperative for Humanistic Enterprise
Thomas Thomas & Eugene K.B. Tan
CHAPTER 30. The Intersection of Corporate Social Responsibility and African Regulations, Policies, Laws, and Initiatives
Nkiruka Chidia Maduekwe & Cheri-Leigh Young
CHAPTER 31. Corporate Social Responsibility in the EU: From a Vague Concept to an Increasingly Normative Principle?
Javier de Cendra de Larragán
CHAPTER 32. Corporate Social Responsibility in Mexico
Leopoldo Burguete-Stanek
