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Intellectual Property and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Edited by: Christopher Heath, Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Anke Moerland

ISBN13: 9789403522128
Published: June 2020
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £118.00

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Intellectual Property Law and the Fourth Industrial Revolution analyses how the fourth industrial revolution changes the framework of intellectual property rights in the context of data, competition and compliance and how these changes can serve society. It is in the very nature of intellectual property rights that their justification and scope correlate with extraneous factors, such as societal perception and technological development. The convergence of various fields of technology is changing the fabric of society. Big data and data mining, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and blockchains are already affecting business models and leading to social and economic transformations that have been dubbed by the fourth industrial revolution.

Well-known authorities in intellectual property law offer in-depth chapters on how intellectual property rights may have to change (or not) in the light of:

  • power and role of data as the raw material of the revolution;
  • artificial inventors and creators;
  • trade marks in the dimension of avatars and fictional game attributes;
  • concept of inventive step change where the person skilled in the art is virtual;
  • data rights versus intellectual property rights;
  • transparency in the context of big data;
  • interrelations of data, technology transfer and antitrust;
  • self-executable and ‘smart’ contracts; and
  • proprietary information versus the public domain.

Offering the first in-depth legal commentary and analysis of this highly topical issue, the book approaches the fourth industrial revolution from the perspectives of technical background, society and law. Its authoritative study of how the data-driven economy influences innovation and technology transfer is without peer. The book will be welcomed by practising lawyers in intellectual property rights and competition law, as well as by academics, think tanks and policymakers.

Intellectual Property Law
Summary of Contents
About the Authors and Editors
Part 1 – The Greater Picture
The Disruptive Nature of the So-Called Fourth Industrial Revolution for Intellectual Property: Moving Societal Changes from Linear to Exponential, Manuel Desantes Real
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Development and Intellectual Property: The World Economic and Social Survey 2018 and Beyond,Hoi Wai Jackie Cheng and Mariangela Parra-Lancourt
Part 2 – Data as the New Currency of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Regulating Net Neutrality in a Data-Centric Society, Carlos Affonso Souza and Filipe Ribeiro Duarte
Balancing AI Bias, Michael Mattioli
Part 3 – The Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Artificial Intelligence and the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, Gonçalo Cabral
Patents and Artificial Intelligence Inventions, Kemal Bengi and Christopher Heath
New Trade Mark Uses in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Virtual and Augmented Realities, Anke Moerland
Data and Technology Transfer: Competition Law in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Anselm Kamperman Sanders
Part 4 – Monitoring, Compliance and Enforcement
Intermediary Liability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Michael B. Landau
Smart Contracts, Blockchain and Intellectual Property: Challenges and Reality, Andres Guadamuz