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The Principles of European Contract Law: Parts I - III Student Edition

ISBN13: 9789403512754
Published: March 2019
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £123.00

Despatched in 14 to 16 days.

The Principles of European Contract Law provides the fundamental principles of contract law shared by the legal systems of the Member States and to have a concise, comprehensive and workable statement of them. The Principles of European Contract Law Parts I & II covers the core rules of contract: formation, authority of agents, validity, interpretation, contents, performance, non-performance and remedies. The subjects dealt with in Part III are: plurality of debtors and creditors, assignment, substitution of new debtor and transfer of contract, set-off, prescription, illegality, conditions and capitalization of interest.

The Principles have been drawn up by an independent body of experts from each Member State of the EU, under a project supported by the European Commission and many other organisations. The Principles are stated in the form of articles, with a detailed commentary explaining the purpose and operation of each article and its relation to the remainder. A particularly valuable feature is that each article also has extensive comparative notes surveying the national laws and other international provisions on the topic.

No self-respecting contract lawyer in Europe can afford to ignore the Lando Principles. They are not only a useful and convenient source of information about current laws in the countries of the European Union but also a possible blueprint for the contract part of a future European civil code. They are a touchstone against which any discussion of contract law can be tested.

Contract Law
able of Contents (Part I & II)
Members of the Commissions on European Contract Law
Survey of Chapters 1 - 9
List of Abbreviations
Text of Articles in English and French
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Section 1: Scope of the Principles
Section 2: General Duties
Section 3: Terminology and Other Provisions
Chapter 2: Formation of Contracts
Section 1: General Provisions
Section 2: Offer and Acceptance
Section 3: Liability for negotiations
Chapter 3: Authority of Agents
Section 1: General Provisions
Section 2: Direct Representation
Section 3: Indirect Representation
Chapter 4: Validity
Chapter 5: Interpretation
Chapter 6: Contents and Effects
Chapter 7: Performance
Chapter 8: Non-performance and Remedies in General
Chapter 9: Particular Remedies for Non-performance
Section 1: Right to Performance
Section 2: Withholding Performance
Section 3: Termination of the Contract
Section 4: Price Reduction
Section 5: Damages and Interest
Table of Cases
Table of Code Provisions and Legislation
Table of Contents (Part III)
Preface to Part III
Members of the Commission on European Contract Law for Part III
Introduction to Part III
Survey of Chapters in Part III
List of Abbreviations
Text of Articles 10:101 to 17:101 in English and French
Chapter 10: Plurality of Parties
Section 1: Plurality of debtors
Section 2: Plurality of creditors
Chapter 11: Assignment of Claims
Section 1: General Principles
Section 2: Effects of Assignment as between Assignor and Assignee
Section 3: Effects of Assignment as between Assignee and Debtor
Section 4: Order of Priority between Assignee and Competing Claimants
Chapter 12: Substitution of New Debtor: Transfer of Contract
Section 1: Substitution of New Debtor
Section 2: Transfer of Contract
Chapter 13: Set-Off
Chapter 14: Prescription
Section 1: General Provision
Section 2: Periods of Prescription and their Commencement
Section 3: Extension of Period
Section 4: Renewal of Period
Section 5: Effects of Prescription
Section 6: Modification by Agreement
Chapter 15: Illegality
Chapter 16: Conditions
Chapter 17: Capitalisation of Interest
Bibliography of Works Referred to in Part III
Table of Cases Referred to in Part III
Table of Code Provisions and Legislation Referred to in Part III
Table of Contents of Parts I and III
Index to Part III