Rome Regulations is an article-by-article ‘German-style’ commentary on the Rome I, II and III Regulations on European Union (EU) conflict of laws. It describes and explains black letter law as represented by the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and the Member State courts. The law applicable to contractual and non-contractual obligations in cross-border civil and commercial matters in the EU is the remit of the so-called Rome I and II Regulations that entered into force in 2009, supplemented by the Rome III Regulation of 2012 dealing specifically with divorce and legal separation.
The occasion for publishing the third edition is that several landmark judgments on the conflict of laws have been recently rendered by both the CJEU and domestic courts. Moreover, with Brexit, one of the largest European states will enter into a new form of relationship with the EU, which will specifically impact the European system of conflict of laws. The extensively revised third edition reflects the effects of these major developments.>/p>
The commentary, authored by leading scholars of conflict of laws for an international readership and drawing on a wide spectrum of case law and scholarship, highlights long-term implications of the Rome Regulations such as the following: