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Collective Bargaining Developments in Times of Crisis 2nd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403506388
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Collective Bargaining Developments in Times of Crisis, currently in its second edition, is an update of the research published in 2018 analysing the evolutions of collective bargaining in the times of crises of unprecedented magnitude that have hit all countries: the totally unexpected COVID-19 pandemic with its massive consequences, the energy crisis, the environmental crisis, and the Ukrainian war crisis followed by inflation. However, an essential and monumental change has taken place at the European level in this area since the first edition in 2018, which can be described as a paradigm shift. The adoption of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages marks a true break with the post-financial crisis period, as the EU is now focusing on the development and enhancement of strong sectoral collective bargaining systems in wage settings.

What’s in this book:

The book is organised into two building blocks:

  • Part I presents some comparative perspectives both in terms of the structure of the industrial relations systems and in terms of subjects of collective bargaining, whether this be a classical theme of collective bargaining (wages and working time) or less traditional themes (platform work, young people and older people which are two categories particularly affected by the crisis)
  • Part II presents some national situations. Each chapter explores how national systems have been able to respond to European injunctions and have also responded to the new challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of new themes. These presentations demonstrate once again the extreme diversity of each industrial relations system. Some systems, such as the Austrian system, appear to be unfailingly stable, while the Belgian system seems to be having more difficulty adapting. Others, like the Portuguese or the Spanish systems, appear to be resilient, while in some countries, Turkey, Hungary, Poland and Romania, collective bargaining is particularly weak. In these countries, the question raised by the adoption of the AMW Directive is therefore to determine how sectoral bargaining can be developed in countries where there is no such level of bargaining or in countries where collective bargaining remains underdeveloped at all levels

How this will help you:

As in the first edition, the book takes stock of the current state of collective bargaining in Europe. It is a crucial study for labour and employment law practitioners and an exemplary analysis of immeasurable value to policymakers and academics in the field.

Employment Law, eBooks
Introduction from the First Edition to the Second One
Sylvaine Laulom

PART I: Comparative Perspectives
CHAPTER 1. From Decentralisation of Collective Bargaining to Re-centralisation of Industrial Relations Systems?
Sylvaine Laulom
CHAPTER 2. Chasing the Holy Grail? Stumbling Collective Bargaining in Eastern Europe and the Hungarian Experiment
Tamás Gyulavári
CHAPTER 3. The Function of Sectoral Collective Agreements and the Risk Approach
Piera Loi
CHAPTER 4. Incentivising Collective Bargaining
Pierre-Emmanuel Berthier & Olivier Leclerc
CHAPTER 5. Negotiating Working Time in Times of Crisis and Twin Transition
Nicola Gundt, Lukasz Pisarczyk & Katarzyna Wieczorek
CHAPTER 6. Older Employees, Extended Working Lives, and Collective Bargaining
Jenny Julén Votinius
CHAPTER 7. Collective Bargaining with Regard to Young Employees: Importance and Challenges
Judith Brockmann
CHAPTER 8. Multi-employer Situations and Collective Bargaining: The Hungarian Cases
Gábor Kártyás
CHAPTER 9. Enhancing Working Conditions for Platform Workers Through Social Dialogue: The French Example
Cécile Nicod

PART II: National Perspectives
CHAPTER 10. The Continuous Importance of Sectoral Collective Bargaining in Austria
Elisabeth Brameshuber
CHAPTER 11. Wage Moderation Measures in Times of Crisis: The Belgian Example
Fabienne Kéfer
CHAPTER 12. Is a Revival of Collective Bargaining Possible? Polish Way from Neoliberalism to the Welfare State
Lukasz Pisarczyk
CHAPTER 13. The Revival of Sectoral Collective Bargaining: The Portuguese Experience
Teresa Coelho Moreira
CHAPTER 14. Collective Bargaining in Romania: The Aftermath of an Earthquake – A Fresh Start for Social Dialogue?
Felicia Rosioru
CHAPTER 15. Collective Bargaining in Spain: The Road Goes Ever On
Yolanda Maneiro Vázquez & José María Miranda Boto
CHAPTER 16. A Retrospective Look at Turkish Decentralized Collective Bargaining: A Solution to Various Crisis?
Kübra Dogan Yenisey