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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Labour and Employment Compliance in the United Arab Emirates 6th ed (UAE) isbn 9789403516042

Labour and Employment Compliance in the United Arab Emirates 5th ed

ISBN13: 9789403504803
New Edition ISBN: 9789403516042
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041193360
Published: September 2018
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Detailed attention to compliance with labour and employment laws is crucial for success in setting up business in a foreign country. This book – one of a series derived from Kluwer’s matchless publication International Labour and Employment Compliance Handbook – focuses on the relevant laws and regulations in the United Arab Emirates. It is thoroughly practical in orientation. Employers and their counsel can be assured that it fulfills the need for accurate and detailed knowledge of laws in the United Arab Emirates on all aspects of employment, from recruiting to termination, working conditions, compensation and benefits to collective bargaining.

The volume proceeds in a logical sequence through such topics as the following:

  • written and oral contracts
  • interviewing and screening
  • evaluations and warnings
  • severance pay
  • reductions in force
  • temporary workers
  • trade union rights
  • wage and hour laws
  • employee benefits
  • workers’ compensation
  • safety and environmental regulations
  • immigration law compliance
  • restrictive covenants
  • anti-discrimination laws
  • employee privacy rights
  • dispute resolution
  • recordkeeping requirements
A wealth of practical features such as checklists of do’s and don’ts, step-by-step compliance measures, applicable fines and penalties, and much more contribute to the book’s day-to-day usefulness. Easy to understand for lawyers and non-lawyers alike, this book is sure to be welcomed by business executives and human resources professionals, as well as by corporate counsel and business lawyers.

Other Jurisdictions , Middle East
1. Legal Framework: Employment Laws in United Arab Emirates
2. Contracts of Employment
3. Recruiting, Interviewing, Screening and Hiring Employees
4. Managing Performance/Conduct
5. Termination of Employees for Performance or Disciplinary Reasons
6. Layoffs, Reductions in Force and/or Redundancies as a Result of Job Eliminations or Other Restructuring
7. Labour and Employment Law Ramifications Upon Acquisition or Sale of Business
8. Use of Alternative Workforces: Independent Contractors, Contract Employees, Temporary or Leased Workers and Part Time or Voluntary Workers
9. Obligation to Bargain Collectively With Trade Unions: Employees’ Right to Strike and a Company’s Right
10. Working Conditions: Hours of Work and Payment of Wages: By Statute or Collective Agreements
11. Other Workings Conditions and Benefits: By Statute, Collective Agreements or Company Policy
12. Workers’ Compensation
13. Company’s Obligations to Provide a Safe and Healthy Workplace
14. Immigration, Secondment and Foreign Assignment
15. Restrictive Covenants and Protection of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information
16. Protection of Whistleblowing Claims
17. Prohibition of Discrimination in the Workplace
18. Smoking in the Workplace
19. Use of Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace
20. AIDS, HIV, SARS, Bloodborne Pathogens
21. Dress and Grooming Requirements
22. Privacy, Technology and Transfer of Personal Data
23. Workplace Investigations for Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, Fraud, Theft and Whistleblowing
24. Affirmative Action/Non-Discrimination Requirements
25. Resolution of Labour, Discrimination and Employment Disputes: Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation
26. Employer Record-Keeping, Data Protection, and Employee Access to Personnel Files and Records
27. Required Notices and Postings