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The Procedural Aspects of the Application of Competition Law: Central European Perspectives

Edited by: Csongor Istvan Nagy

ISBN13: 9789089521873
Published: September 2016
Publisher: Europa Law Publishing
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Although substantive competition law has been largely “Europeanized”, procedural law comes, for the most part, under the autonomy of the Member States and, for a long time, thinking on the procedural aspects of competition law’s application had not been in the focus of the European scholarship. Nonetheless, recently, “procedure” became one of the most topical issues of European competition law and came to the fore of the scholarly discourse.

This edited volume addresses the above subject’s pan-European framework and its Central European perspectives with the purpose of channelling the region’s experiences into the European discourse. The book’s first part (Section 1) examines the general issues of the procedural aspects of competition law’s application, while Sections 2 and 3 analyse the administrative competition procedure (and judicial review) and the legal consequences of breaching competition rules in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.