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The Geoeconomics of Sovereign Wealth Funds and Renewable Energy: Towards a new energy paradigm in the Euro-Mediterranean region

ISBN13: 9789081690492
Published: December 2012
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £72.00

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The purpose of this book is to propose an innovative vision on the development process of the enlarged Mediterranean region. Triangulating the Gulf Cooperation Council, North Africa and the European Union into a unique cooperation scheme, the book highlights the strong complementarity that exists between these regions in the eld of renewable energy. The wide availability of Sovereign Wealth Funds' capital in the Gulf Cooperation Council, the great renewable energy potential of North Africa and the institutional support of the European Union are the three main pillars of this cooperation scheme. This triangulation would enhance not only the energy outlook of the overall Mediterranean region, but also its socio-economic development, ultimately promoting an enlarged area of cooperation, stability and peace.

Series: European Energy Studies

Working Towards Post 2020: The EU ETS and the European Industry Competitiveness ISBN 9789077644386
Published October 2016
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Turkey and the EU: Energy, Transport and Competition Policies ISBN 9789077644379
Published June 2016
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Security of Oil Supplies: Issues & Remedies ISBN 9789081690485
Published January 2013
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
A New Architecture for EU Gas Security of Supply ISBN 9789081690447
Published June 2012
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited