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Trust Funds under International Law: Trustee Obligations of the United Nations and International Development Banks

ISBN13: 9789067043069
Published: August 2009
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This book examines the establishment of trust funds by States and international organisations in respect of international development, environmental protection, fiscal stabilisation, democracy-building and others. It traces their fundamental legal attributes, their investment potential and legal status as investors and the legal means by which they are set up.

The book examines the various decision-making and management models adopted in contemporary trusts, the fiduciary and other duties of the trustee and the status and rights of beneficiaries. Moreover, it examines the personality of trust funds, whether as mere accounts, informal associations, foundations under domestic law or even international organisations. Finally, the book discusses the potential of trust funds in enhancing participatory democracy, budgeting and governance, revenue sharing and fiscal management, as well as the role of environmental trust funds.

  • Examines every feature of the international trust fund model
  • Includes examples and case studies of more than 300 trust funds
  • Summarises the fundamental principles of trust funds

Public International Law, Banking and Finance
1. Principles and characteristics of the international law of trust funds
2. Legal bases of trust funds and their contractual relationship with donors and trustees
3. The international legal personality of trust funds
4. Fund governance models: trustee and fiduciary duties
5. The democratic, budgetary, environmental, developmental and wealth sharing functions of trust funds.