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The European Arrest Warrant in Practice

Edited by: Nico Keijzer, Eilies Van Sliedregt

ISBN13: 9789067042932
Published: March 2009
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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The European Arrest Warrant system is an extradition system between Member States of the European Union. Implemented in 2004, it has now had its first four years of application in practice. This book focuses on the most important differences between it and the former extradition system, discusses practical problems that have been encountered and offers recommendations for improvements.

Readers will find comments on the various stages of the surrender procedure in a chronological order, starting with the content of the European Arrest Warrant, continuing with the refusal grounds and ending with the consequences of surrender. Two chapters deal with other (regional) extradition systems: the one of the Nordic countries and the one of the United States.

  • Comments on the various stages of the surrender procedure appear in chronological order, allowing the reader to have a clear overview of the EAW system in practice
  • Integrated subject-reports each deal with one or more elements of the system, thus guiding practitioners who might be confronted with difficulties in the application of the new system
  • Examinations of the Nordic and the United States extradition systems allow for contextualised understanding

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