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Free Movement of Goods and Limits of Regulatory Autonomy in the EU and WTO

ISBN13: 9789067042901
Published: January 2009
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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In every system aimed at trade liberalisation, it is necessary to balance this goal with the protection of (other) values. Not only does this have economic implications, but it also strikes at the heart of regulatory autonomy, sovereignty, division of power between levels and branches of government and constitutionalism. The optimal balance necessarily depends on the system’s aims, structure, membership and level of homogeneity. This book explores this broad idea in the specific context of the EU and WTO rules on non-pecuniary restrictions on the free movement of goods and seeks to establish how to optimally interpret them. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the EU internal market rules have strong external effects which can be felt within the WTO.

  • Detailed analysis of the rules on the free movement of goods in the EU and WTO, as interpreted in the relevant case law, clearly shows their similarities, differences and interaction
  • Tables and figures on the most complex parts of the subject matter - gives the reader both a textual and visual explanation of the most complex parts of the subject matter
  • Detailed table of contents - allows for the easy location of issues that are most interesting and relevant for the reader

International Trade
1. Introduction; 2. Non-pecuniary restriction on free movement of goods in the EU; 3. Positive integration in the EU; 4. Non-fiscal restrictions on free movement of goods in the WTO; 5. Concluding remarks.