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Sports Image Rights in Europe

ISBN13: 9789067041959
ISBN: 9067041955
Published: February 2005
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

As sport has developed into a global business, the importance of sports image rights as a marketing tool to promote individual sports persons, sports teams, clubs and even major sporting events themselves, has evolved to become a significant player in the multi-billion dollar sports industry around the world.

This book provides a concise legal and practical overview of the creation, protection and enforcement of sports image rights in EU Member States, pre-May 2004. It also examines the sports image rights of Norway and Switzerland and looks comparatively at the USA. Each chapter is devoted to a review of the applicable legal rules on sports image rights in an individual country.

A separate chapter deals with some of the fiscal aspects of the subject. In addition, where appropriate, practical matters, such as the contents of contracts, are also examined and explained.

Sports Law
Foreword; Editors' preface; List of abbreviations; 1 Introductory remarks Ian Blackshaw; 2 The Netherlands Bert-Jan van den Akker and Dolf Segaar; 3 Austria Alexander Grohmann and Ingo Braun;4 Belgium Tom Heremans and Philippe de Jong; 5 Denmark Lars Halgreen; 6 Finland Tauno Palotie; 7 France Delphine Verheyden; 8 Germany Michael Gerlinger; 9 Greece Olga Garoufalia; 10 Ireland Eoin MacNeill and Tom Heerey; 11 Italy Luca Ferrari; 12 Luxembourg Jean Luc Schaus; 13 Norway Erik Flågan and Terje Svendsen; 14 Portugal Cesar Bessa Monteiro; 15 Spain Jose Manuel Rey; 16 Sweden Fredrik von Bothmer and Anders Holmgren; 17 Switzerland Kamen Troller; 18 United Kingdom Dan Harrington and Nick White; 19 United States John Wolohan; 20 Taxation Rijkele Betten; 21 Conclusion Ian Blackshaw; Annexes; About the editors and contributors; International and national legislation; Table of cases; Subject index.