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The Concept of International Legal Personality

ISBN13: 9789067041836
ISBN: 9067041831
Published: November 2004
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The Concept of International Legal Personality examines International Legal Personality (ILP) and its use in theories of international law. It firmly entrenches the concept of ILP in the broader context of the intellectual and socio-political trends against which these theories were shaped.

It contains detailed studies of the work of ten of the most eminent scholars of international law and their use of ILP whilst also illustrating other important and enduring themes of international law. This account of the history of ILP not only offers alternatives to the traditional ideas concerning ILP, but also demonstrates how it has been and can be used in the re-conception of the moral-political identity of international law.

The book contributes significantly to the study of the history and theory of international law, putting the concept of ILP into a new perspective by relating it to concepts of legitimacy, democracy, and justice in international governance.

Public International Law
Foreword by Judge P. H. Kooijmans; Preface; List of abbreviations; 1. General introduction; 2. Historical introduction: Leibniz and the emergence of the concept of ILP; 3. Demystifying ILP: Brierly, Kelsen and Scelle; 4. Cold war bi-polarity: ILP hanging in the balance; 5. The concept of ILP today: the end of the subject?; 6. Evaluation and conclusions: ILP and universal justice - from mask to vocal cords; Consulted literature; Index.