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Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law: Vol 2. 1999 Revised ed

Edited by: Horst Fischer

ISBN13: 9789067041195
ISBN: 906704119X
Published: March 2001
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Over the past several years, international Humanitarian Law has moved from the margins to the forefront of international attention. Wars and the laws of armed conflict have become the legitimate concern of all serious scholars of international law. The Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law is a timely response to the recent explosion of academic interest in international humanitarian law. It provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed articles, commentaries on current developments, reports on state practice and documentation that have international humanitarian law as their focal point. The cosmopolitan character of the Yearbook is ensured by its international board of editors, drawn from outstanding experts in the field, as well as by its global network of correspondents reporting on state practice. All aspects of international law applicable during international and internal armed conflicts are covered, in addition to interesting and significant developments in related fields such as international criminal law, human rights law, disarmament law, and refugee law.;Distinguished by its topicality and contemporary relevance the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law bridges the gap between theory and practice and serves as a useful reference tool for scholars, practitioners, military personnel, civil servants, diplomats, human rights workers, and students.

Part I. Articles: The undertaking to respect and ensure respect in all circumstances: from tiny seed to ripening fruit Frits Kalshoven; The second protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict Thomas Desch; The Pinochet Cases in the United Kingdom Colin Warbrick, Elena Martin Salgado and Nicholas Goodwin; Symposium on the International Criminal Court: the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court Shabtai Rosenne; Jurisdiction and cooperation in the Statute of the International Criminal Court: principles and compromises Hans-Peter Kaul and Claus Kres; War crimes in non-international armed conflicts under the Statute of the International Criminal Court Djamchid Momtaz; War crimes in internal armed conflicts: Article 8 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court Darryl Robinson and Herman von Hebel
Part II. Current Developments: The year in review Avril McDonald; South Africa's truth and reconciliation process and international humanitarian law John Dugard; National implementing legislation for the chemical weapons convention: the experience of the first two years Lisa Woollomes Tabassi; The first and second sessions of the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court Knut Dormann
Part III. National Decisions: UK: The Sawoniuk case; The role of evidence in war crimes trials: the Common Law and the Yugoslav Tribunal Ian Bryan and Peter Rowe
Part IV. Correspondents' Reports: A guide to state practice in the field of international humanitarian law with commentaries by Tim McCormack; Thomas Desch; Peter Kustor; Laurence Weerts; Anne Weyembergh; Jann K. Kleffner; William Schabas; Hernan Salinas Burgos; Maja Serstic; Jan Hladik; Tanel Kerikmae; Paul Tavernier; Sascha Rolf Luder; Gregor Schotten; Maria Gavouneli; Peter Kovacs; Sarah Khan; Mehrdad Rezaeian; Ray Murphy; Colm Campbell; Fabio Raspadori; Mario Carta; Liana Pecorano; Hideyuki Kasutani; Elies van Sliedregt; Mustafa Mari; Alfonso Velazquez; Alberto Muyot; Vincent Pepito F. Yambao; Igor Blishchenko; Jose Doria; John Dugard; Antonio Pigrau i Sole; A.D. Henchoz; Anne-Marie LaRosa; Burrus M. Carnahan; and Ronald D. Neubauer
Part V. Documentation: Classification scheme; Documents; Literature survey; Table of cases; Index.