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International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Medical Law Looseleaf

ISBN13: 9789065449436
Latest Release: March 01, 2014
Publisher: Kluwer Law International Subscriptions
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Looseleaf, 6 Volumes
Price: Price on Application
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go

The ""International Encyclopaedia of Laws"" is a response to the need for comprehensive, up-to-date and readily available information about the major areas of law as they relate to other countries. This series of loose-leaf publications is divided into 13 different major fields of law, each consisting of a combination of national and international monographs.

This volume provides information on medical law. When completed about 60 national monographs will be included, each consisting of about 200 pages. The international monographs cover the World Health Organization and international declarations on medical ethics such as the Declaration of Helsinki (1964) and the European Code of Medical Ethics.

Looseleaf Work, Medical Law and Bioethics
Part 1 The medical profession: access to the medical profession - training of physicians, manpower planning - freedom of establishment, licensing of physicians - general practitioners, medical specialists; illegal practice of medicine; control over the practice of medicine - professional liability, quality assurance; review boards, disciplinary organisations (order of physicians) and professional codes, biomedical ethics committee.
Part 2 The physician-patient relationship: general description - rights and duties of physicians and patients, informed consent, privacy, secrecy, complaints, access to medical records; the physician-patient relationship in specific terms - the minor patient, the mental patient, the dying patient; specific activities - abortion, sterilisation, in vitro fertilisation, prenatal diagnosis (genetics in general), psychosurgical interventions, organ transplants, experiments on human beings, euthanasia, others (transsexual interventions).
Part 3 The physician in relation to the health care system: collegial relationships - associations; health care centres; professional duties towards colleagues; relationship with other health care providers - pharmacists, nurses (midwives), paramedical professionals; relationship with health care provisions - hospitals, preventive health care, health insurance, others.

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March 01, 2014

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