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Automation of Legal Reasoning: A Study on Artificial intelligence and Law

ISBN13: 9789065446619
ISBN: 9065446613
Published: October 1992
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £257.00

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""Automation of Legal Reasoning"" explores the development which has lead up to the formation of a joint field of artificial intelligence (AI) and law. In this undertaking, the basic foundations of AI and the methodological approaches found in jurisprudence are related to each other in a historical perspective.

The book also addresses the future prospects of the discipline. In this part of the study an elaborated jurisprudential model of legal reasoning is introduced, reflecting different sub-processes and various types of legal knowledge exercising influence over them. In addition, a critical analysis of various AI-approaches that have been suggested for the field of law is provided. In this context, also two AI-system development projects carried out at The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute are described.

The investigation leads up to the formulation of a design approach for advanced AI-systems for law, based on a functional decomposition of legal knowledge, the integration of various computational techniques and the structural integration of different types of small-scale AI-systems.;The study concludes with a discussion of potentialities and consequences of a future development.

Jurisprudence, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Part 1 Background and related work: jurisprudence and legal reasoning
artificial intelligence
Part 2 The legal reasoning process: legal reasoning.
Part 3 Potentialities of automation: automation of legal reasoning